Neko Delta
Neko's Statistics
This is a list of any mental and physical health conditions that Neko has been professionally diagnosed for, or any undiagnosed/being looked into concerns Neko has about herself and is pursuing a professional opinion on.
Please be respectful when viewing and/or confronting Neko about these..
This is for the purpose of bringing awareness to Neko's overall health.
Mental Health
C-PTSD (+)
I am professionally diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with the addition of Dissociative Symptomology, which could possibly be DID but is still being looked into.
(Curent Psychiatrist had no doubt I have DID but was not confident enough to diagnose me personally. Being referred to people who specialize in research on dissociation.)
My PTSD is the source of a lot of my anxiety and stress responses/behaviors and is also the culprit in giving me an above average visual reaction time. (Average is 100 and can deviate +/- 15 symbolizing normal or average deviation. My visual reaction time is recorded at 130.) Though my Auditory reaction time is average.
With this obviously comes struggles so if you notice me not doing so well please be patient with me and give me the space I might request.
Updated Diagnosis; A recent therapist diagnosed me as chronic when it comes to PTSD, reference code F43.12 and I currently have a treatment plan.
ADHD (Combined)
I am professionally diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), specifically ADHD Combined. If you dont know what that means, let me give you a brief rundown my Psychiatrist gave me about it.
There are 3 types of ADHD, these types are known as ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive, ADHD Inattentive, and ADHD Combined. Hyperactive-Impulsive is characterized with excessive fidgeting, difficulty sitting still, restlessness, excessive impulsively and blurting/talking over people. Inattentive is characterized by the difficulty to focus or concentrate, daydreaming, difficulty listening, difficulty retaining a lot of information, and the tendency to forget or become easily distracted.
Combined has all of these symptoms in one, which is what I have as I struggle with all of these. I have a lot of difficulty sitting still and keeping myself focused or not distracted, and I tend to fidget a lot and drift off. My impulsively comes out most when Mt brain causes me to impulsively overthink or when I'm in a car and for some reason have always had the strong impulse to throw my phone out the window of a moving vehicle even if I know it'd upset me. Or the fact that when I walk outdoors if the textured surface is different on one foot I have to mimic it on the other. I don't have much control of this as it's been a lifelong struggle, and I will continue to accidentally talk over people, accidentally hit or kick people and constantly forget things even if it's something you told me five minutes ago. Please just be patient with me and understanding of these struggles.
(My Psychiatrist did suggest medication being very helpful for me, but I personally prefer to try to work on it myself first. Update; I have found that cafinated tea and music has helped me focus on tasks efficiently so far.)
Auditory Hallucinations
Awaiting a detailed diagnosis...
I experience hearing things that aren't actually there or happening and get confused when I believe it's real. Persistent sounds send me into a panic episode when I cannot determine if the sound is real or fake and it continues to disorient me and put me through a spirl.
Awaiting a detailed diagnosis...
Undiagnosed Concerns
I am not self diagnosing, but I am sharing concerns of what I might have that I am currently getting help with, but the process and road to discovery and healing is long and painful.
Disproven concerns will be deleted, proven diagnosed concerns will be added in my diagnosis section.
Major Depression with Psychotic Features
Physical Health
Moderate Weight-Loss
Minor Dermatographia
Abdominal Pain (Cause Unknown)
Nearsighted Vision Impairment
Wasp Stings
LAST UPDATED: 12/06/2024